The Water and Sewer Division of the DPW works to provide safe drinking water throughout the Village. Along with the responsibility for conveying potable water through 40 miles of water mains from village wells, the Water and Sewer Division staff are also responsible for maintaining 33 miles of sewer main lines from the connection on your property to the Waste Water Treatment Plant located on Route 3 about one mile to the Northeast of the Village.
The Water & Sewer Division's responsibilities include:
- Operation of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)
- Inspection and maintenance of the sanitary sewer mains
- Mandated Department of Environmental Conservation / Environmental Protection Agency (DEC/EPA) laboratory testing
- Operation and maintenance of Village-owned lift stations
- Maintenance of water and sewer mains as outlined in agreements with the towns of Harrietstown, St. Armand, and North Elba (the WWTP also accepts sewage from the state and federal correctional facilities in Ray Brook).
- Delivery of fresh drinking water to Village residents and water district customers.
- Mandated Department of Health (DOH) daily monitoring of approved sites for chlorine residuals (used for Disinfection) and zinc orthophosphate residuals (used for corrosion control).
- Maintain water mains and laterals to the curb of homes
Pay your Water/Sewer Bill Online
Online Portal/Payment Registration Guide
The Village works to set water and sewer rates each year. To find out the current year's rates visit the Water and Sewer Rates Schedule.
Water and Sewer charges are billed as follows, with each due date falling on the last day of the month with the exception of weekends. In the event that the last day of the month falls on a weekend, then payments are due on the last Friday of the month.
- 1st Billing Quarter covers March, April, and May. Billed on July 1st, Due Date July 31st.
- 2nd Billing Quarter covers June, July, and August. Billed on October 1st, Due Date October 31st.
- 3rd Billing Quarter covers September, October, and November. Billed on January 2nd, Due Date January 31st.
- 4th Billing Quarter covers December, January, and February. Billed on April 1st, Due Date April 30th.
*The Village does not do special meter readings for the closing of properties
*If a property is located within the Village, outstanding bills must be paid in full by April 30th or the remaining amount will be relevied on the Village Property Tax Bill
*If property is located within a district, outstanding bills must be paid in full by October 31st or it will be relevied on the Town Property Tax Bill
*Bills unpaid after each due date are charged 1.5% per month interest on unpaid balance
The System
Sewer System – the Village sewer system comprises 33 miles of pipeline, which includes sewer lift stations, gravity main and forced main, and hundreds of sanitary manholes. Age of sewer mains ranges from 1900 to present. The pipe system includes clay tile pipe, plastic pipe, and cast-iron pipe.
Water System – the Village water system is comprised of 40 miles of pipeline which includes transmission mains, distribution mains and service lines. Age of pipelines range from 1950 to present. The water system includes cast-iron, ductile iron, and high-density polyethylene pipes. The system also includes fire hydrants and approximately 2,135 water meters.
Waste Water Treatment Facility –The WWTP treats and average daily flow of 1.8 million gallons per day. Leftover sludge is transported to the Franklin County Landfill.
The CDC has provided wastewater testing for COVID-19 strains, the program is part of a national effort to track where the virus is in the population. To find out more about the National Wastewater Surveillance System Program, visit the CDC's website. The Village is participating in this program. If you have any questions about the Village's participation, reach out to the Water and Sewer division, 518-891-3037.
Water & Sewer Emergencies
In the event of a sewer emergency, a little trouble shooting can go a long way to quickly fixing the problem. If you are not the building owner, inform the building owner/manager of the problem and work with the owner/manager to trouble shoot in an attepmt to fix the problem. Some tips to keep in mind:
- If the clog is in the building (such as a toilet) or in the service line from the building, contact a plumber. If the problem is not due to the building's system, the plumber will contact the Department of Public Works to ensure that the Village's system is functioning properly.
- Sometimes a clogged sewer main will cause a manhole to overflow. Please notify us if you see this happen.
- If the sewer emergency appears to be due to a clog in a publicly-owned main contact us.
- Contact us to report a water leak or water emergency.
- During normal business hours (Mon-Fri 7AM-3PM), call the DPW 518-891-4160, or the Water & Sewer division 518-891-3037. After hours, contact the Saranac Lake Fire Department at 518-891-2333.
Village of Saranac Lake Code: Chapter 288- Water