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Kendra Martin
Village Treasurer
Phone: 518-891-4150 x231

The Treasurer is the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Village and is responsible for maintaining custody of all funds and accounts as well as the financial operations budgets totaling over $9 million.


The Treasurer's Office is comprised of accounting, tax collecting and utility billing. The department is responsible for maintaining the Village's financial assets and investments, as well as overseeing tax collection, water/sewer billing, and payroll. The department provides a number of finance-related services including:

  • Preparation of the Annual Budgetfor the General Operating Fund, Water Fund, and Sewer Fund
  • Annual reporting to the NY State Comptroller's Office
  • Facilitation of the annual independent audit
  • Budget oversight
  • Processing of accounts payable and accounts receivable
  • All HR related functions

Budget and Financial Information

The Village of Saranac Lake annually develops three separate budgets.

  • General
  • Water
  • Sewer           

The General Operating Budget supports all Village departments, excluding Water and Sewer. It is primarily funded through the collection of property taxes.

The Water and Sewer Budgets are funded through the collection of water and sewer rents. Rents are collected through quarterly water and sewer billing.  Property taxes are not used to support the Water and Sewer Budgets.

2024-2025 Village of Saranac Lake Adopted Budget 

Nicole McClatchie

Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

Phone: 518-891-4150x237

Email: [email protected]

Karen Darrah

Principal Account Clerk

Phone: 518-891-4150x232

Have a question for Karen?

Email: [email protected]

Ana Rottner-Ruiz

Account Clerk

Phone: 518-891-4150x203

Email: [email protected]




To view annual Village Financial Reports, Budgets, and Independent Audit Reports, go to Finance.


The 2023-2024 Adopted Budgets are available to view here.