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The Downtown Advisory Board works to improve economic vitality by enhancing the experience, image and lifestyle of Downtown Saranac Lake.


DAB provides the opportunity for the sharing of ideas about downtown by businesses and community members. On September 9, 2013 the Village Board of Trustees established the Downtown Advisory Board (DAB) to advise the Village Board and staff on matters concerning the downtown area including but not limited to:

  • Implementation of community plans for the downtown area
  • Policies and actions that affect downtown
  • Planning and implementation of downtown events, promotions, beautification, and fundraising
  • Public infrastructure activities such as streetscape projects
  • Other community matters that may affect downtown Saranac Lake

Meeting Information

DAB meets once a month on the second Wednesday of each month at 9am.

If you want to be on the agenda for any upcoming meeting, contact the Village of Saranac Lake Community Development Department at 518-891-4150 ext. 234 or [email protected]

Advisory Board Members

The DAB consists of nine volunteer members appointed by the Board of Trustees. Members must be a downtown resident, downtown property owner, downtown business owner, or downtown event representative.

Name Term Expiration
Jerry Michael, Chair 12/31/25
Kathy Steinbrueck, Vice Chair 12/31/24
Mark Coleman 12/31/24
CJ Hagmann 12/31/24
Rachel Karp 12/31/25
Joshua King 12/31/25
Sue Smith Zukin 12/31/25
KT Stiles 12/31/24
Jake Widrick 12/31/24


Downtown Revitalization

DAB’s work is guided by the vision and goals contained in the Strategic Investment Plan. The Village is also a member of Main Street America, a network of communities working to revitalize older and historic commercial districts to build stronger downtown-focused economies. The Main Street Approach helps DAB select strategies for achieving the goals included in the Strategic Investment Plan. The Main Street Approach and the Strategic Investment Plan go hand in hand to improve economic vitality by enhancing the experience, image and lifestyle through comprehensive work in the downtown area. The Downtown Boundary Map highlights where these areas overlap at the focal point of DAB's work. 

Downtown Business Snapshot


This data is compiled each year for the Annual Advisory Board Report. Keeping up with the business landscape of Downtown Saranac Lake goes toward the DAB goal to improve economic vitality in the downtown area.

The Village Board recently adopted the Community Forest Management Plan to guide management of an urban forest by implementing a proactive, organized program that sets goals and monitors progress. 

For more information regarding the Downtown Advisory Board, contact the Community Development Department, 518-891-4150 ext. 234 or [email protected]