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Historic downtown business district

The Saranac Lake Access for Everyone Grant Fund is available to business and property owners to make accessibility improvements

Saranac Lake is blessed with beautiful historic buildings that possess priceless character and quality and which help make Saranac Lake a unique and attractive community, however, these historic buildings are often not accessible to persons with limited mobility. The cost of increasing accessibility in historic buildings is often prohibitive for property and small business owners.

In order to continue the long tradition as a community that is welcoming to all persons, the Village has established the Saranac Lake Access for Everyone (SLAFE) program, which provides 50/50 matching funds up to $5,000 to business and property owners who make accessibiltiy improvements in accordance wtih ADA regulations and the NYS Fire Prevention and Building Code.

See Application Form for instructions on how to apply.

Program Rules

1. SLAFE Program funds may only be used for projects in non-residential buildings "directed to the removal of material and architectural barriers which restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly and handicapped persons" as defined by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and/or physical improvements that improve the level of accessibility of non-residential building in accordance with ADA Regulations.

2. Improvements shall conform to the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. In the case of conflict the stricter standard shall prevail.

3. The maximum SLAFE Program award is $5,000.

4. Only improvements made after formal establishment of the SLAFE Program (November 24, 2014) are eligible.

5. SLAFE Program funds are issued on a reimbursement basis to the building owner only after improvements are made, all expenses are paid and a certificate of occupancy is issued.

6. Improvements made without verifiable expenses are not eligible for reimbursement.

7. Improvements require a Village of Saranac Lake Building Permit. Improvements made without a building permit or prior to issuance of a building permit are not eligible.

8. Only improvements made in accordance with an approved Scope of Work are eligible. Any proposed changes must be pre-approved by the Community Development Director.

9. Participation in the SLAFE Program is subject to the approval of the Village of Saranac Lake Board of Trustees upon recommendation from the Village of Saranac Lake Community Development Director.

10. Application to participate in the SLAFE Program shall be made on forms provided by the Village of Saranac Lake Community Development. Incomplete applications shall be rejected.

11. The Village of Saranac Lake Community Development Director is charged with insuring that all SLAFE Program funds are utilized for the intended purpose and disbursed in accordance with Village policy. The Director has the authority to reject applications that are incomplete and recommend against approval if the proposed project does not fulfill the purposes of the Program. The Director may also reject applications for reimbursement if the work was not completed as originally approved or if adequate documentation of costs is not provided.