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The Village was awarded $57,700.00 as part of the Local Enhancement & Advancement Fund (LEAF) for the Baldwin Park Redesign Project. In 2018 the Village outlined a vision for each of its municipal parks in the Park Vision Plan. Using concepts illustrated in the plan, the Village sought grant funding to move from concept to construction documents for a redesigned Baldwin Park. The goal is to transform Baldwin Park into a unique waterfront amenity that prioritizes fishing, paddling, and boating. The picturesque views taken in from Baldwin Park are a natural feature that will be enhanced with boardwalks and pathways around the park. 

Current Status

The Village has hired LaBella for design and engineering services. The Parks and Trails Advisory Board is serving in the role of project advisors. Draft designs were shared with the public. The Board of Trustees voted to amend the designs based on public feedback.

Next Steps

A financing plan will be needed before moving foward with final design and construction.

Proposed rendering of Baldwin Park improvements. Full Illustrative Site Plan.

The North Elba Local Enhancement & Advancement Fund provides funds for programs, activities, and facilities that will have direct benefits to our communities and improve the quality of place for both residents and visitors.

The Board of Trustees approved a resolution to amend the Baldwin Park design to include courts.

Public input on the proposed Baldwin Park Redesign was collected at a public meeting on 4/26/22 and via an online survey that was open through 5/10/22. The public input results are compiled here.

Jamie Konkoski, Community Development Director

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 518-891-4150 ext. 235