Governor Cuomo's Executive Order 202.14

April 08, 2020

New York ON PAUSE Order Extended


All non-essential businesses will remain closed and social distancing protocols will remain in effect until April 29

The CDC recommends wearing a mask in public

Also, remember to please remain 6 feet away from people in public, including in grocery stores  

When shopping for essentials, it is recommended that you make a list of things you need beforehand and to try to organize the list based on the layout of the store

Thank you for your patience during this difficult time


Increase in Fines for Not Social Distancing


Failure to comply to social distancing and other parts of the executive orders will be punishable as a violation of public health law section 12-b(2) and the Commissioner of Health is directed and authorized to issue emergency regulations

The fine for such violation by an individual who is participating in any gathering which violates the terms of the orders or is failing to abide by social distancing restrictions in effect in any place which is not their home is now up to $1,000


Changes for Schools 


All schools will remain closed through April 29, 2020

The continued closure will be re-evaluated as circumstances change

School districts must continue plans for alternative instructional options, distribution and availability of meals, and child care, with an emphasis on serving children of essential workers

All Regents exams are canceled this year

Check out the State Education Department's Guidance on Graduation and Course Requirements released yesterday


PPE and other Medical Equipment


Any medical equipment (including PPE, ventilators, and respirators) located in the state shall be reported to the Department of Health for a state inventory

The DOH will keep track of supplies and will work with the health care systems based on need


Changes in Financial Services


DFS is requiring individual and small group commercial health insurance plans to provide the following relief to consumers and businesses who can demonstrate financial hardship due to COVID-19:

  1. Defer payments of commercial health insurance premiums through June 1st, 2020 and continue paying claims during this period
  2. Waive late payment fees otherwise due, and not report late payments to credit rating agencies
  3. Work with individuals to help them transition to new coverage, if appropriate

DFS will consider any liquidity or solvency concerns of the health plans in giving effect to the emergency regulation

Individuals who buy coverage through NY State of Health and receive subsidies will have additional flexibility

Uninsured New Yorkers, as a result of a one-month extension of the special enrollment period announced by NY State of Health and DFS, can apply for coverage through NY State of Health or directly to insurers through May 15, 2020

If you lost employer coverage, you must apply within 60 days of losing coverage

Because of a loss of income, New Yorkers may also be eligible for Medicaid, the Essential Plan, subsidized Qualified Health Plans or Child Health Plus


Procedures for Witnesses Needed for Legal Documents

The act of witnessing that is required under the Estates Powers and Trusts Law (EPTL)  3-2.1(a)(2), EPTL 3-2.1(a)(4), Public Health Law 2981(2)(a), Public Health Law 4201(3), Article 9 of the Real Property Law, General Obligations Law 5-1514(9)(b), and EPTL 7-1.17 is authorized to be performed utilizing audio-video technology provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The person requesting that their signature be witnessed, if not personally known to the witness(es), must present valid photo ID to the witness(es) during the video conference, not merely transmit it prior to or after
  2. The video conference must allow for direct interaction between the person and the witness(es), and the supervising attorney, if applicable (e.g. no pre-recorded videos of the person signing)
  3. The witnesses must receive a legible copy of the signature page(s), which may be transmitted via fax or electronic means, on the same date that the pages are signed by the person
  4. The witness(es) may sign the transmitted copy of the signature page(s) and transmit the same back to the person
  5. The witness(es) may repeat the witnessing of the original signature page(s) as of the date of execution provided the witness(es) receive such original signature pages together with the electronically witnessed copies within thirty days after the date of execution 


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