DPW to Temporarily Stop Meter Readings

April 04, 2020



During the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Village of Saranac Lake Department of Public Works will not be sending staff into the homes of residents to test their water meter, or for any other reason outside of an emergency. These precautions are not only to keep our staff safe but also the residents of the Village. Staff will only be allowed to enter a home for an emergency situation with the proper protective equipment.


If you have concerns regarding your water meter and feel it may not be reading accurately we ask that you check the following: 


At night before bed obtain reading from the meter.  Refrain from using water after taking the reading until the next morning when you can take another meter reading. If there is a difference between the two meter readings, then you have a leak somewhere in the dwelling. Check all toilets and fixtures for leaks along with any visible plumbing in the dwelling. Typically, every drop that goes through the meter is registered, so no drip or leak can be too small to affect your bill. 

If residents have questions or concerns regarding the current policy, feel free to contact our office at 518-891-4160.




Dustin Martin

Village of Saranac Lake

Superintendent of Public Works

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