Franklin County COVID-19 Update: March 28

March 28, 2020



Malone, NY – Franklin County Emergency Operation Center is reporting that as of this release there are 5 individuals with confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Franklin County. There are an additional 34 individuals quarantined/isolated awaiting test results and 79 tests that have been returned negative. The 5 confirmed cases are all residents of Franklin County, are under quarantine and remain at home. The Franklin County Department of Public Health is conducting follow up investigations to determine where and when these people may have been exposed and where and who they may have come in contact with recently. The result of these investigations will lead to additional quarantines and isolations. These positive tests, quarantines and isolations are present all throughout Franklin County. Everyone should assume COVID-19 is in their community and stay home, avoid contact with others and practice the recommended sanitary procedures and social distancing. There is no doubt that there will be an increase in positive tests and quarantines. The best way to avoid contracting COVID -19 is to reduce contact with other people and stay home. Practice social distancing anytime you are away from home and travel only for essential items. Reduce contact with others as much as possible.   

 Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
 Avoid physical contact like handshakes and hugs
 Abstain from unnecessary trave
 Stay home (stay unexposed and do not expose others)

 Only go out for essential services
 Stay six feet or more away from others
 Don’t gather in groups


Information regarding COVID-19, request general services or to volunteer please contact the Franklin County Emergency Services COVID-19 Hotline – 518-481-1111 or email


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