Village Elections Postponed Until April 28th

March 17, 2020


In an effort to keep New Yorkers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo issued an executive order delaying village elections statewide until the April 28th primary election.

"Our top priority has been keeping New Yorkers safe and stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus," Governor Cuomo said. "Public health officials have been clear that reducing density is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread, and delaying village elections will help ensure poll workers and voters are not potentially exposed to the virus and at the same time maintain integrity in our election system."


The 2020 Village Election has been postponed until Tuesday, April 28th in the Town of Harrietstown Town Hall. This is the same building that our Main Office is located, you will just proceed to the basement floor where the Town Auditorium is located. 


Please visit the Village Board of Trustees Page for more information.


Contact with any questions. 

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