The Saranac Lake Whitewater Park Project is part of the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
The project is an initiative pioneered by a few local paddlers and engaged citizens who see an opportunity to leverage the unique paddling culture of Saranac Lake and add to the vitality of the village’s downtown area. This whitewater park will modify a section of the Saranac River in the area of the Route 3 Lapan bridge to enhance its natural features to provide whitewater opportunities accessible to boats of all kinds, including canoes, kayaks, inner tubes, rafts, SUPs, and other watercraft. We propose to build a single river-wide standing wave that can be played in and around at various river levels throughout the year. We intend to optimize the existing swift current at this location to promote natural rehabilitation of the streambed and restore the shoreline for fish and wild habitat and safe access.
Frequently Asked Questions
For more information about the Boothe Rive Park visit https://www.tomboothewhitewaterpark.com/
Contact us to learn more about our progress, or to become involved yourself.